Heavy Decisions

     At first glance, when thinking of what I would do for my magazine the first thing that came to my head was sports. Turns out, after thinking deeper, I realized that I am going to do a mental health magazine focusing on stress. 

    Even to others this was different but a good different. When I started speaking to one of my
close friends Sofia I was trying to get inspiration from her process and she thought I would do sports but it was stress that I decided to go with, something else that makes up a huge part of me.

    I began to ponder about what I could do with this important topic and I knew I wanted to do something with music. Prior to the beginning of the pandemic in 2020, I was not a huge music person, however as quarantine progressed I had discovered new taste for music. 

    The pandemic allowed me to take step back and focus on my self and what is best for me. While doing this, I became more aware about the importance of mental health and its impacts to every person, no matter the age, no matter the grade. This year I have been trying to focus on positivity and not stressing when I do not need to especially with school, so far it has been working. I'd like to give credit to music and also color. 

    Narrowing into the magazine, the decision of a color palette is a decisive one because it sets the tone for the spread. I want to focus on mental health and stress in particular, with a layout on music to relieve stress and also colors/scenery that instills a sense of calmness and relaxation within us.

    I want to develop a sense of calmness and peace throughout my magazine leading me to the color palettes of a sunset, sunrise, and the shores of the beach. Each of these palettes, particularly being pastel colors provide a simplistic but yet decisive tone in setting peace of mind. 

    As I continue planning, I will encounter several decisions like these but having the overall idea of calm and peace allows me to navigate these decisions and make the finest magazine I can. 


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